[Vwdiesel] Banana Rabbit--Bad news...

Sandy Cameron scameron at storm.ca
Sun Jan 30 16:36:41 PST 2011

At 03:49 PM 1/30/2011 -0800, you wrote:

I was about 2-3 blocks away and about 25-30 mph and the engine made a bang
and stopped!  

Hydrolocked with  dead (for sure) mice? Any vagrant acorns in the air
induction?  (don't ask how I know)

Was it a new timing belt?

If it was old (really old) it probably stripped some of its teeth down at
the crank sprocket, leaving an apparently intact belt, with no drive!

Try rocking the engine back and forth with a socket on the crank center bolt
to see if it is really seized. If it moves, but the belt does not, stripped
teeth.  If locked up, off with its head!

Might be a good idea, if locked up, to remove all the camshaft bolts, (slack
the belt tensioner first) just to relieve all the valves and see if it's not
a rod or something else catastrophic.

You may just luck out and get away with a belt change

So sad.


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