[Vwdiesel] IP leak

Travis Gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 16 19:13:15 PDT 2011

My first IP leak was in that area as well. I just had the whole thing 
rebuild as I didn't have the tools at the time to attempt doing it 
myself in the college parking lot and that was my only transportation. I
 think I would still rebuild the thing as there is other leaks that can 
spring up and the biodiesel they are now putting in can do a number to 
the rest of the old seals. But rebuilding isn't cheap.

Speaking of rebuilding. Brother has his pump from Giles now installed. 
That is the first pump I couldn't tune it in by ear. I brought my IP 
gauge tool to let him use. Now I know after all this time why I couldn't
 figure out how to use it. There is a little post in the dial causing it
 to stick just a little and not give you the right reading. He took it 
apart to find this out as he too was having issues. So now we need to 
find a dial as we already have the rest of the tool that hols the dial 
and screws into the pump. If anyone has a spare good one I would buy it 
or have a good source. I already have enough in the broken one. 

Travis G.


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