[Vwdiesel] updates & reply to the electrical system

mark shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Sun May 29 11:21:33 PDT 2011

Any pics of the  windmill? Not many left over here but they are fascinating. 
Was just last night reading a fascimile of the American Agricultural 
magazine from the 1860's describing some of them.
I fancy building a small scale one.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Travis Gottschalk" <tgott at hotmail.com>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2011 6:32 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] updates & reply to the electrical system

> I can attest that electrical issues can be very hard to find. At the mine 
> we had our guys, Cat people and another vender's mechanics all trying to 
> find an issue on a D10T dozer where it wouldn't start after being washed 
> and brought to the shop. Took a whole week and it was just some water in a 
> plug somewhere by the end of the very expensive week of searching. Also 
> had a D11R dozer that was sending a bunch of codes randomly, that one was 
> another hard one to track down-bare wires in a large wire harness. My 
> point it that it can be hard to find but it is possible to find. My rabbit 
> truck on my honeymoon was giving the red alt light off just a bit on it. 
> The volts were low on the cheapo gauge as well. I couldn't find the issue. 
> It was starting fine but I was worried. Finally I tracked it down to about 
> 3 inches before the plug going to the alt the wires were broken inside 
> some. I trimmed it down and it was fine. I got so made by the time I got 
> to the harness I just cut the plug of
> f with a knife. In doing so it pulled out the broken wire and problem was 
> found. Over time with vibration the harness broke inside.
> Updates on other things. After taking down a 40 foot windmil tower 
> yesterday morning and hauling it to my brother place we started and 
> finished his suspension. The tower if no one has seen it done gets 
> unbolted from the base that is in the ground and then with some C clamps 
> and a pivot point thing hooked up to a truck you can bring it down really 
> easily. Then about 6 of us lifted it on the trailer and we were off. They 
> weigh around 800 lbs. This one was from my sister inlaws grandfather and 
> they have a picture back in the early 1900 with the 2 year old grandfather 
> helping pump water.
> To the suspension we did the whole suspension on the 05 jetta wagon of my 
> brothers. FSD Koni shocks, 1 inch lift from Kerma, ball joints, tie rod 
> ends, lower control arm bushings, rear axle bushings. Not the most fun in 
> the world but having a couple special tools really helped. I have the 
> strut spreader tool (cold chisel works but not very well), a tool to press 
> in the rear axle bushing (someone on tdiclub had about 12 made and it was 
> nice), the strut nut tool and then the new car lift my brother had made a 
> nice job of it all.
> Well, off now to a lawn and garden tractor we are working on (JD of 
> course, we are painting one up that has a loader and backhoe attachments 
> on them). As a side note last weekend I just bought myself a JD332 L&G 
> tractor-diesel.
> Travis Gottschalk
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