[Vwdiesel] Continuing TDI IP woes

Stephen Sherman spsherm at msn.com
Wed Sep 14 21:11:35 PDT 2011

My leaky IP pump is continuing to be a problem. I was getting loss of 
prime and a fine mist of fuel (and dirt) on the IP. After cleaning it 
and watching, I thought I had isolated the leak to the upper gaskets 
above and below the IQ section (cap and upper part of the IP.  I 
replaced those gaskets and reset the IQ via tapping, and thought I had 
this fixed (well I did for a while).

The car is running great, but there is still a leak which appears to be 
coming from the bottom IQ gasket, one of the gaskets I replaced. The 
fuel is running down the rear and front faces of the IP. They are now 
wet after a 40 mile trip. Like a few spoonfuls of fuel spilled/sprayed 
on them. But no more serious signs of leaking (like to loss of IP prime 
or hard starting).

I suppose it is possible that I fat-fingered that gasket replacement and 
a bit of dirt got in the gasket area which is now leaking, but I was 
REALLY careful to be clean with the replacement. Top gasket I replaced 
seems OK. No signs of leaks on any of the fuel lines to/from the pump 
and injectors.

So my questions to the folks here who have more IP gasket experience 
than I are these:

1. Is this leak on the faces of the lower IP, indicative of that lower 
IQ gasket leaking? Could it be coming from somewhere else and just 
spreading/spraying to that gasket area and below?

2. I did not replace the IP distributor gasket, as it didn't seem to be 
leaking. Could the distributor gasket/oring leak in this way?

3. Any other gaskets or lines around the IP that will leak fuel in the 
described places I am seeing it?

I don't mind replacing the IQ lower gasket again, I'd just like to be 
sure it is the source of the leak before I do so, and I am not sure at 
this point...

In some ways the leak seems worse than before, certainly alot more fuel 
is visible on the outside of the IP (however no problems yet with loss 
of prime). So I am wondering if there isn't some other source to this 
leak that I just have not found yet.

Thoughts, tests, suggestions?

BTW- does anyone know if the lower IQ gasket is available by itself (eg 
outside the whole IP gasket kit)?


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