[Vwdiesel] PROTHE on ebay??

Tad tadc at europa.com
Sat Sep 24 13:30:04 PDT 2011

Remember that Japanese-made used to equal junk as well... now many consider
them to be world leaders in quality.

It's just a matter of time (perhaps already now) before China is producing
items covering all levels of quality.

On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 12:58 PM, brian gochnauer <brian at gochnauer.net>wrote:

> So if you think USA products are sub-standard and Europeans are better than
> USA, it must be scary for you to learn that the Chinese are advancing there
> quality and engineering very quickly; in fact Cessna is currently producing
> their latest aircraft, the Skycatcher, completely in China.
> btw, I've been in the industry for 30 yrs and I don't think VW are any
> thing
> exceptional in the engineering respect; especially given the problems I've
> had with my '04 Jetta with the PD (BEW) engine that failed with the classic
> camshaft/lifter failure at 118k miles even with stellar maintenance. I have
> two late model Jettas, but will not buy another.
> BrianG
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Tony and Lillie <
> tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net> wrote:
> I'd like to make a couple of comments here. I've been in the industry for
> over 20 years, and curerntly opperate my own Audi/VW shop. I am also a huge
> enthusiast, to say the least. I don't know anything of this sellers
> reputation, nor his business ethics. Nor do I have experience with the
> quality of his parts.
> What I wish to comment on is Chinese parts in general. First of all, I have
> enough experience with them to know that I avoid them like the plague! As
> in, each year I have less and less experience with them, but each time I do
> I'm not dissappointed. I know I'm going to get a subpar part, one which may
> not even fit, and that's what I get about 90% of the time.
> There are exceptions to this rule, as some things are not available
> anywhere
> else, and some parts are so simple they can't possibly screw them up. Well,
> Ok, so it's really hard to screw them up. I've been amazed at a couple.
> Wheel cylinders for a 1979 Fox that had the screw holes in teh wrong place,
> for instance (about two months ago). How do you mess that up?
> On the subject of Made in XXXX other than China. Chinese workers generally
> have a different motivation than most other countries workers. With that
> said, I'll gladly buy anything made in Europe. OEM rims for Audi were
> mostly
> made in Italy, some in Germany. Your OEM wheel bearings are Swedish. This
> part of the world has a well earned reputation for quality work. Not that
> everything they make is flaw free, as that would be an incorrect statement.
> But, for the most part (and in my experience, as well as the older
> gentlemen
> I've learned from) you get quality parts for your money.
> Before I give my opinion, I want to say this: Keep in mind this is not a
> cheaply, poorly thought out automobile we drive. This is a very well
> engineered, very strong vehicle. Which is why it cost more than comparably
> sized cars when it was new, and also why people are willing to pay more for
> them.
> Anyhow, here's what I tell my customers: "This is not a Wal-Mart car, and I
> won't put Wal-Mart parts on it. If you wish to put the cheapest parts on it
> you can find, I would respectfully ask you to find another mechanic to take
> care of your car".
> BTW, there is a Swiss gentleman that runs a European shop in town. He will
> not even buy aftermarket. If your car is a BMW, he buys the parts from teh
> BMW dealer. If you have a M-B, the parts come from the M-B dealer. And,
> yes,
> he and I both stay booked up. That is because the old saying I was tought
> years ago still holds true, "People will remember how well you did a job
> long after they remember how quickly or inexpensively you did the job".
> But, at the end of the day, it's your car, and you have the choice of
> buying
> what you wish for it.
> Anyhow, just my .02, and hope it helps someone to avoid doing a job twice,
> or damage which could be worse yet.
> >
> >
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