[Vwdiesel] Add just turbo to NA?

Andrew .Libby libbybapa at gmail.com
Sun Apr 1 08:43:17 PDT 2012

A "leaner" burn on a diesel does not increase EGTs.  That is gasser
thinking.  Increasing the fuel for a given amount of air increases EGTs in
the functional range of fueling for these engines.  Decreasing the fuel to
air decreases the temps (this includes increasing the air side of the

On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 8:11 AM, Val Christian <val at mongo.mongobird.com>wrote:

> A "leaner" burn will raise the temps, but is unlikely to cause a problem,
> as the valves, cylinderhead and pistons tend to be fairly robust, and
> they are far from marginal in the NA engine.

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