[Vwdiesel] Think I can tow my boat with my golf?

Travis Gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 13 12:17:36 PDT 2012

I only say it could be an issue as the boat is 2500 lbs. I don't know what the ski boat that was pulled with the the rabbit weighed but geometry is what I was thinking of. That much weight trying to pull up an incline with weight behind the rear axle of the car making the front of the car even lighter. Not saying it can't be done but the load itself already is past the load rating of the car (not that it can't be done). I have towwed a lot with several cars and so has my father past the normal load ratings. Here is my hitch.
The last post is also linked to the one for the Jetta body style. With a two inch reciever you can rig up a hitch mounted winch as well. 

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