[Vwdiesel] 1990 Turbo diesel Fox 2 dr Wagon

Stephen Kraus ub3ratl4sf00 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 07:54:57 PDT 2012

Sorry Brian I missed that. Reading on my phone. :)
On Apr 18, 2012 8:53 AM, "Brian and Ruth Decker" <decker at toledotel.com>

> HI Stephen;****
>                 Read carefully. I knew it would be harder to start cold
> but it doesn’t get terribly cold here in Western Washington. It does start
> harder at say 32 degrees than my other 1.6 diesels and has more white smoke
> but it is not a problem. Also if you read my post I just did a compression
> check. The lower compression on a recently rebuilt engine suggests a lower
> static compression ratio. I have it running great right now and getting
> decent mileage. We will see what happens in the long run. I used to have a
> Rabbit pickup with a stock 1.6 turbo engine in it and though it was sold
> over 10 years ago I believe this engine is running stronger.****
> Brian Decker****
> ** **
> *From:* Stephen Kraus [mailto:ub3ratl4sf00 at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 18, 2012 6:48 AM
> *To:* Brian and Ruth Decker
> *Cc:* vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> *Subject:* Re: [Vwdiesel] 1990 Turbo diesel Fox 2 dr Wagon****
> ** **
> I thought the opposite was true, I thought HIGHER compression made it
> easier to start in the cold.
> In fact, that is one of the troubleshooting points if your car starts hard
> in the winter: Check your compression!****
> On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 1:00 AM, Brian and Ruth Decker <
> decker at toledotel.com> wrote:****
> Hi Folks;
>                I got busy so the Turbo Fox project was somewhat delayed. I
> rebuilt a 1.6 turbo diesel engine that I had bought at an auction. It must
> have been from an Audi or Quantum and had an automatic. Through the years I
> have wondered why our 1.6 diesels had 23 to one compression and wondered if
> they might run better with slightly less compression. Where I live in
> Western Washington it doesn't get incredibly cold so I felt perhaps
> starting
> with less compression might not be impossible. The block has 1mm over
> pistons.  I took them to my machinist and he took enough off the tops of
> the
> pistons to take out about one half of the swirl chambers. I reassembled it
> with all new bearing, seals and a 3 notch head gasket (the thickest
> available). We were guessing we might have about 20 to 1 compression. We
> put
> new exhaust guides in the head plus new valve seals and lapped the valves.
> It has a rebuilt injection pump and rebuilt injectors. It also has a two
> and
> a half inch exhaust system and a turbo Quantum 9Q 5 speed tranny.
>                Now the fun begins. We set it up using the recommended pump
> setting from our Bentley. The engine started somewhat hard and truly wanted
> the cold start pulled. After warming up it ran pretty strong but was
> getting
> about 32 mpg. I then started fooling with the idle settings and the fuel
> screw. I have a pyrometer so was careful not to get the exhaust gas
> temperature too hot. I could get good power but mileage didn't improve.
>                I finally decided that since I have lower compression than
> stock perhaps stock settings weren't what the engine needed. We upped the
> pump timing to 1.10 and  it ran better, started  better and the mileage
> improved. We now are at 1.30  and the Fox wants to run hard, fast and the
> EGT's are good. It loves going down the freeway at 70-75 and would happily
> cruise faster if I wasn't afraid of the law. The mileage is around 45 mpg
> running hard and fairly fast. We pulled the injectors today and did a
> compression check and all cylinders are very close to 360 lbs. For some
> reason it just loves lots of injection pump advance.
> Brian Decker
> Toledo WA
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