[Vwdiesel] Priming a pump

Sandy Cameron scameron at storm.ca
Sun Apr 29 15:27:47 PDT 2012

At 03:34 AM 4/29/2012 +0000, you wrote:
>What is the best way to prime my bosch pump? 

I have a  rig here I made a few years ago. A 1gal gas jug with a spigot out
the bottom, that I attach to the fuel filter inlet, and a return line from
the pump outlet in to the top of the jug. 

I put a 1/2 gal of fuel in it and hang it from the hood (gravity has it's
uses) and away we go. It's good to eliminate / isolate all tank line and

The poor little lift pump has a lot of work to do purging tank lines,
lifting fuel, pushing air out of injector lines, etc. This helps with all.

Once you get the engine running, you can hunt down the other problems.

If pressed for time, you can leave the 1gal jug under the hood and drive it
to work and back, and trouble shoot later. 

Photo by direct p-mail if desired.


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