[Vwdiesel] alternator amperage

sandy cameron scameron at storm.ca
Fri Aug 3 08:02:28 PDT 2012

On 8/3/2012 2:35 AM, peter blake wrote:
>    Does anyone know what the amperage is of an alternator on
> 87 Jetta engine?  I keep seeing 90 amp alternators for sale
> and I don't know if they r an upgrade or a replacement.
The non-A/C cars (my 89 Jetta TD, thankfully without A/C) usually had a 
65 amp alternator, smaller, lighter, sensibly mounted and driven 
directly with a single belt shared with the water pump. If it has Pwr 
Steering, a second belt is shared with the water pump and steering pump.

Adding the A/C compressor exploded in to dissimilar pulley diameters, 3 
belts, (with the PS), with the infernal secondary alternator belt AND 
the harder to drive 90 amp alternator.

The compressor pulleys act as a "relay" drive, the crank pulley drives 
the compressor, and the compressor drives the alternator.

A nightmare of belt tighteners and belts continually requiring maintenance.

The PS tightener is under the car, the compressor tighteners (4 bolts?) 
are all over the front of the engine, and the alternator is fixed, with 
a goofy little adjustable idler pulley to attempt to keep the alternator 
belt snug.

My A3 has one serpentine, (Halleluja) but they goofed on the tensioner, 
which ducked and bobbed, wearing out the tensioner bearings. 
Fortunately, a better quality tensioner became available, along with a 
"special" alternator pulley with overrunning clutch, which almost cured 
the problems, by adding more complexity!.....Sigh.

If it wasn't the only available light diesel, I would not give it garage 

Good luck!


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