[Vwdiesel] 04 TDI Golf intake issues on trip

Travis . tgott at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 20 21:53:32 PDT 2012

First tank was 44. something. Next was 38. I then took the car top carrier off and left the rear on and just filled up tonight and even with my leak and pushing hard on the mountains-44.3 mpg. Anyone have theories as to why mountain driving seems to get better MPG? My theory is you use a little more fuel to push up the MT then you do on flat land but use basically no fuel going down hill. Seems all my vehicles are like this. Even though you have less O2 in the air going up to 11,000 feet in some places. Have to see what 75 on the interstate the whole way home will be for MPG. Guessing the mid 30's depending on wind. 

Congrats on the fix Travis.  
Impressively creative cargo capacity there.  You'll have to let us know what kind of MPG you get with that setup.  


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