[Vwdiesel] 01 Jetta TDI Alternator

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Thu Dec 20 16:12:03 PST 2012

Hmmmm...shame I'm not closer.  I'd replace it for only $1200 and rip you off $225 less :)

It's kind of a drag, but imminently doable if you feel up to it.  Only hard part is prying it and the compressor loose from the mounts.  And it's not even 103° like when I did mine last.   

Elsewise, yeah, find the nearest good independent VW shop.  I found it to be time to do several jobs at about 300k.   You can check on autohausaz.com to get an idea of parts prices.  I'm slow and lazy so it took me probably two hours to do mine.  I don't know what book says.  


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