[Vwdiesel] honda diesel

Erik Lane eriklane at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 09:23:23 PST 2012

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 11:04 PM, <LBaird119 at aol.com> wrote:

> In a message dated 1/27/2012 9:51:31 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,
> pila47 at yahoo.com writes:
> So what I saw must have been a test mule.  VW is finally gonna have  some
> competition.  I'm sure that will improve the  breed.
> Honda was supposed to show up last year, with a diesel.  The  little I saw
> and read on them, really impressed me.  The bottom end  dimensions and
> cutaway of it was nice enough I started looking a little more  into it
> since some
> Honda diesel showed up on ebay just after I read about  them.
>    Loren
Yeah, a Honda diesel might be really nice. But I wouldn't hold my breath
waiting for it. I don't know any specific reason, but I also got really
interested in the diesel that Subaru was supposed to introduce and then
never did. It seemed like they kept saying it was "next year" but it never
showed up. I would still be interested if they ever do, but I'm not going
to get my hopes up in the meantime...


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