[Vwdiesel] general brake question

lbaird119 at aol.com lbaird119 at aol.com
Mon Jul 9 19:50:36 PDT 2012

  I was going to suggest an extended, hard braking but that's hard to do since the computer 
doesn't believe one should have the brake AND throttle pedals depressed at the same time!
  A warped rotor tends to pulsate when light to medium braking.  Usually that takes a thickness 
variation but a conventional, 33rpm left in the  sun type of warpage does it to a lesser degree.

  If you had a drum brake on the back, I'd say you had a leaking wheel cylinder.  Do your sliders, 
for the calipers, work freely?

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Belman <dieselwesty at yahoo.com>
To: r.c.brown <r.c.brown at ieee.org>; vw fans <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Mon, Jul 9, 2012 7:19 pm
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] general brake question

pulled the wheels and checked the front pads, they are good, changed them 50K 
go for sure when I did the rear pads.  They have tons of meat left.
otors look fine, no cracks, no excessive lip or anything.  I am thinking one of 
hem may be warped or something?  That is my only guess.
 am sure a brake shop would automatically put new rotors on.  I guess I can 
ave a brake shop check them to see if one of them is warped or something next.  
f not, they do not need replacement.  
I will try really pounding on the brakes next time out to see if that help bring 
he problem out or get rid of it.

ryan Belman, Pt. Pleasant, NJ
4 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp -- running :<)
2 Jetta 1.6 Eco-Turbo Diesel, 5sp -- running :<)
2 Diesel Westy 1.9NA -- running :<)
0 Type 1 stock Elm Green Beetle -- Under Restoration :-)

rom: Roger Brown <r.c.brown at ieee.org>
o: vw fans <vwdiesel at vwfans.com> 
ent: Monday, July 9, 2012 6:01 PM
ubject: Re: [Vwdiesel] general brake question
I've found sometimes I get grabbing or sticking brakes when the pads are worn 
own, maybe 
ot to the wear indicator but close.  My guess on what is happening is that the 
istons are extended out rather far and then when the pads get pulled my the 
otor, that 
auses the pistons to get cocked in the caliper bore a little bit and get stuck 
omentarily.  When I have run into that, a new set of pads seemed to clear up 
hat braking 

n 7/9/2012 2:57 PM, Chris Geiser wrote:
 Doesn't sound like rotors to me, but I don't know what it sounds like...
 On the old ones, I would have guessed low vacuum or leak in the vacuum
 line, but not sure on tdi's.

 Wish I could be more help.

 **sent with mobile device
  On Jul 9, 2012 3:42 PM, "Bryan Belman" <dieselwesty at yahoo.com> wrote:

> my brakes have been grabbing as of late on the Jetta TDI when braking
> lightly, when you hit the brakes harder, they do not grab.
> Is this rotors, that would be my guess.
> I have never changed them, they have never been cut, 150K on car.
> Was thinking Raybesto Adv. Technology rotors for $42 shipped to my house.
> ??
> I need to pull the front wheels tonight and have a look before ordering
> something I may not need.
> Bryan Belman, Pt. Pleasant, NJ


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