[Vwdiesel] brakes

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sat Mar 24 22:14:27 PDT 2012

In a message dated 3/24/2012 3:12:27 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
db53248 at windstream.net writes:

If I  pull on the
brake pedal, the brake lights go off even though I can't feel  the brake
pedal move when I pull on it. Would the brake light on/off  problem be a
spring attached to the pedal or is this an indication of a  master cylinder
that is too weak to return the pedal to the lights off  position?

  Could be the freeplay isn't adjusted correctly.  There has to  be at 
least SOME.  Is your brake light on the pedal or the master  cylinder.  If it's 
the pedal, it could easily just be a simple adjustment  or bending to get it 
right.  If it's on the MC then you may have a bad  brake hose or master 

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