[Vwdiesel] Add just turbo to NA?

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Fri Mar 30 23:10:36 PDT 2012

I have one, another slated and Brian's probably done a couple.
  With just the turbo, it runs better, especially around highway  
speeds/rpms.  It doesn't help a lot on the bottom end unless you turn up  the fuel 
and use big exhaust.  Of course if you turn up the fuel then  it's not quite 
your question!
  Totally safe with the turbo alone.  The Dasher gained an mpg or  two from 
the bolt on and was nice to drive.  Nothing really special but  nice.  Put 
a pyrometer on it though and turn up the fuel for a max of about  1100F.  
That's a sustained hill not just a burst.  You can even safely  go closer to 
1300F but it's getting closer to the limit and you have to watch  how long 
and how "hot" you drive it that way.  At 1100 Max, you can put  your foot in 
it all you want with no worries and it'll be FUN to drive.   Only catch is 
that you'll have to watch your mirror for a while  until your  foot learns to 
regulate the fueling properly  for minimized smoke.   MPG should go up 
another one or two with turning up the fuel.  

The turbo injectors atomize the fuel a little better and  overcome the 
higher cylinder pressures better as well.  The turbo pump  simply put, regulates 
all the fueling for you so you can have the power without  the smoke.  You 
can do the same with your foot but you have to get a feel  for it and watch 
the mirror too.  Unless you have a bad injector you won't  burn or melt a 
piston, valve or head.  I've had mine apart after driving  1200 to 1300F and 
not a mark in it and it's a 1500 so no turbo parts.
  Worth saving what you can (pump, injectors, lines, etc) even if you  
don't use them.  Same with the squirters.  Even if you can't retrofit  them 
(which you can't in most engines anyway) they're well worth saving to  replace 
any bad ones someone here might need.  I know I had a few bad ones  on the 
  First time I drove the Dasher turned up and turboed, I looked at my  wife 
and said "Why did I ever drive a diesel without one!!!"

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