[Vwdiesel] Hi, looking for 2 parts, A2 and A4

Bryan Belman dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Mon May 7 07:22:07 PDT 2012

For the 92 A2 Jetta TD
The V strap that holds the gas tank into the 92 jetta has rusted through and broken.  The other half of the V strap is still holding and there is another single strap.  Any chance one of you list members has a decent shape used V strap I could buy to replace my rusted one.
For the 04 A4 Jetta TDI
I also lost the Dr. side lower vent a few month back when I was hit by a skidding HOOD coming down the NJ Turnpike, it was doing 50mph and I was doing 60 in rain and dark with trucks on either side.  I lost............
Anyway, it could have been worse.  It punched a hole in the lower soft plastic grill and I lost the Rt. side lower grill cover that protects the intercooler.
Does anyone have an extra, any A4 should do, 99 to 04.
They are already selling cheap China knock-off, sickening.  => http://www.ebay.com/itm/VW-1999-2004-JETTA-MK4-FRONT-BUMPER-LOWER-SIDE-VENT-GRILLE-LEFT-RIGHT-/251054512382?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr&hash=item3a7403d8fe
Item location: GD,GZ, China 
Ships to: Worldwide  

Bryan Belman, Pt. Pleasant, NJ
04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp -- running :<)
92 Jetta 1.6 Eco-Turbo Diesel, 5sp -- running :<)
82 Diesel Westy 1.9NA -- running :<)
70 Type 1 stock Elm Green Beetle -- Under Restoration :-)

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