[Vwdiesel] stranded (fwd)

Val Christian val at mongo.mongobird.com
Fri May 25 07:29:45 PDT 2012


I could not have said it better than you!  I was flabbergasted, but perhaps 
not really surprised at Roger's dedication and resourcefulness.

We all know that Roger knows few limits, but I was impressed enough to 
forward his account to a few non-VWdieselers.

May everyone's VW diesels, and other toys, be spared stranding this weekend!


Forwarded message:
> Roger, you have obviously set a new bar for us all. There are some limits 
> on being prepared, and perhaps you are approaching them.
> I imagine your next upgrade would be to tow a spare bus, stocked with 
> tools, machines and devices to manufacture whatever you need, and equipped 
> with an on-board generator for electrical power to operate the tools and 
> machines. If the bus you are driving breaks down and resists easy repair, 
> you just drop it back into the trailer position and drive off in the spare 
> bus, pulling the disabled one.
> And I would not be surprised if you actually have done that and just aren't 
> telling us about it.
> Doyt
>  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> At 11:45 PM 5/24/2012, you wrote:
> >My best "not stranded" trip was in 2004 when I spent about 2 weeks driving 
> >from California east to Minnesota for a family gathering.  I tried to do 
> >as much of the east bound trip off of pavement in my 4WD.  Was also 
> >driving solo in somewhat remote country, some pictures on my web page:
> >         http://www.4crawler.com/4x4/Nevada/MN_Trip_2004/
> >
> >Anyway, along the way, I suffered a broken front shock mount in 
> >northeastern Utah.  Once I got into a camping spot, I fired up the 
> >on-board welder and had that repaired in about 20 minutes.  Was kind of 
> >funny as there was a big Boy Scout group camping in the area, so some of 
> >them stopped by to say hi when I pulled in and they same the broken parts. 
> >Probably figured I would have to be towed out or something.  Saw some 
> >surprised looks as I drove out the next morning with vehicle in perfect 
> >condition, guess I showed them how to "be prepared".
> >
> >Then on the return trip in eastern Montana just after sunset, saw my volt 
> >gauge drop down below 12 volts.  Turns out the brushes on my alternator 
> >had worn out, so I parked for the night and at first light, pulled the 
> >dead alternator off and slapped on a spare I carry and was on the road in 
> >about an hour.
> >
> >That is the nice thing having a rig you have equipped for hard core 
> >off-roading, I carry most every spare part that you can think of and so 
> >road trips are a piece of cake when something happens.  With a welder, air 
> >compressor, 120V DC power for a drill and grinder, you can fix most 
> >anything except for catastrophic engine failure.
> >
> >--
> >
> >   Roger
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