[Vwdiesel] 85 Golf-going to get ringing

Travis Gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Sat May 26 16:28:51 PDT 2012

Found a different place to rent that is both cheaper and has more shop space. Like a lot more and in the country. So I can sell "Dimples" the Dodge (has hammer dents all over it) at 6 mpg once I get this running since I will have the space and the roof over my head to to work on this. So, likely needs a tranny (which I have 2 others to pick from) and I will try the IV drip to attempt to get it running. Looking forward to moving there-middle of the month. So that will put me at 4 VW diesels and 2 L&G JD diesels. 
Travis G

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