[Vwdiesel] Smooshed Golf Update-Insurance Hassle Stage Has Begun

lbaird119 at aol.com lbaird119 at aol.com
Tue Nov 6 21:34:59 PST 2012

  The only problems I see with the comp vehicles is that they are in places where a typical search of used cars, tends to turn up lower pricing (from what I've seen).  Perhaps not Chicago but certainly FL usually come up with some of the lowest prices when I've searched autotrader.com for TDI's.  Being where you are, the prices could be way higher due to scarcity, or slightly lower.  
  Prices on Quattros and VW diesels have always been higher here than Seattle, FL, East coast and TX.  The highest prices usually are the Portland area and CA can go either way.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Cook <davevw at yahoo.com>
To: VW Diesel Group <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>; tdi <VW-TDI at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tue, Nov 6, 2012 1:47 pm
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Smooshed Golf Update-Insurance Hassle Stage Has Begun

I just got off the phone from the lady from USAA with a settlement offer.
The initial offer was $5,816 Cash Value.
If they take the car, then they add on things like sales tax and registration 
ees, etc that I would have to pay on a replacement vehicle, making the final 
ettlement offer $6,333
If I keep the car, then I don't get those things, and they subtract their 
alvage value of $1447 from the Cash Value ($5816) and I would get a check for 

lso, they had to use a comp from Florida and one from Chicago to come up with 
he value.  Which means to replace the car I'd need to buy a plane ticket.  The 
ady I was talking to said I'd have to ask the adjuster about getting cash for 
My plan at this point was to probably keep the car and drive it in its ugly 
tate and start looking for another Golf, but take my time to find a good one 
gain.  After that, whenever that happens, I would start parting the Smooshed 
Thoughts?  How do those numbers sound?  I am going to start looking for comps 
nd see if the offer can go up some.  If anyone is aware of any good-condition 
002 or 2003 Golf TDIs for sale, I'd appreciate you sending a link my way.

ave Cook
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wdiesel at vwfans.com

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