[Vwdiesel] Smooshed Golf Update-Insurance Hassle Stage Has Begun

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Wed Nov 14 12:28:43 PST 2012

Not sure if things are different in different states, but in California (no fault 
insurance state), I was able to get a better estimated value from my insurance company 
that from the person that hit my old '81 pickup.  I sent them copies of receipts for 
recent repairs and upgrades plus some comparable sales prices.  I think my company came 
out 3x the price of the other company.

I took their offer and then they went after the other company for the increased value.  I 
think they were more willing to work with me since they did not ultimately have to cover 
the cost.  I bought the vehicle back and then traded it in for parts value against my 
current '82 pickup.

On 11/14/2012 12:16 PM, Dave Cook wrote:
> I just got off the phone with a USAA representative.  She said that they showed that they tried to call me on Friday morning but my voicemail wasn't working.  BS, I didn't have any missed calls, and I had my phone on me all day watching for a call from them.  And why didn't they try to call back Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday.
> Anyway, she said that all the submissions I made didn't change the actual cash value at all.  We went around and around for awhile as I argued that I would have a hard time actually replacing the car for the $5816 they said was the actual cash value and that their job was to make me whole after their insured decided to not stop.  She argued that their only job was to pay me actual cash value.
> So we agreed that we weren't going to agree today and hung up.
> Not sure where to go from here.  I feel like that surely there is some sort of requirement for adjusters to get things off the "books" and if I keep fighting and not agreeing, they'll at least come up a bit.
> Thoughts?  Am I crazy in thinking this?
> Dave Cook



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