[Vwdiesel] Turbine blade nicks

Travis . tgott at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 18 07:13:18 PST 2012

My first thought is what is your air filer and air intake path look like? Is there any dust anywhere in there? If so-you "dusted" your turbo. More common then you think in the construction/mining industry with as much equipment as they have and the hours they get. A leak pre turbo will suck in dirt. A leak  after turbo will just blow out compressed air so it isn't as big of an issue after the turbo. 

Are you saying the oil was getting through from the camshaft side of the head through the valve seal and after shut down it would leak enough through to hydro lock? How did you know you hydro locked? If you found it by turning the engine over then I can't believe you don't have a bent rod. Not to mention the valve seal wouldn't have failed overnight so you likely did several mini hydro locks before finally catching it. 

Sorry-no spare AHU turbo. I have a 17/22 VNT turbo waiting for install though along with some PD150 injectors. Too bad I need the clutch and exhaust before I even attempt that not to mention the intercooler tract upgrade. I do have my old AAZ turbo though I was keeping so I could rebuild someday if needed. Far as I know it worked before pulling-I just didn't trusted used turbos at that point in my life. I have more experience now. 


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