[Vwdiesel] brake frustrations

dieseltdi at verizon.net dieseltdi at verizon.net
Sun Apr 7 17:26:58 PDT 2013

This is on my 82 Jetta.  No leakage anywhere, pedal will not sustain pressure with the car running or not.  Hayden

On Apr 7, 2013, at 6:22 PM, Val Christian <val at mongo.mongobird.com> wrote:

> Hayden,
> Tell me about the master cylinders you have installed?
> Most of my TDIs overboost at start, and I am wondering if that could be
> a contributory factor.
> Just a WAG idea, as it seems that you have covered everything I'd be 
> going after.
> Also:
> a.) are you loosing any fluid
> b.) any sign of leakage near the booster
> c.) how does the pedal operate with boost on and off (engine on and off)
> when you firmly sustain pressure to the brake pedal (say 40# force)
> I would be chasing the master cylinder, and any linkages to the booster,
> but frankly it's all guess and habit.  You seem to have covered things.
>> OK guys, I am about ready to just cut this jetta into pieces and sell it fo=
>> r scrap!!!  The brake problem STILL eludes me.  Just as a reminder, the car=
>> has Scirocco rear disc brakes and Cabriolet (rabbit) front discs.    The s=
>> tory so far: 3 master cylinders (four if you count the original that was in=
>> the car) so I know the problem doesn't lie there, new rear hard brake line=
>> s, new brake proportioning valve, removed and cleaned residual brake pressu=
>> re valves - they work fine, removed and rebuilt both rear brake calipers - =
>> they operate as they should when the brakes are depressed, I have bleed nea=
>> rly 2 gallons of brake fluid through the system - no air left, I have visua=
>> lly inspected all hard lines and soft lines for leaking or swelling - nothi=
>> ng is apparent but all four wheels seem to bleed just fine with good pressu=
>> re, but the system is still very mushy and the pedal will go to the floor a=
>> nd finally, just to really make things odd, when you start the car and the =
>> brake booster comes on line, you loose ALL pressure in the brake system and=
>> the pedal will go directly to the floor with NO resistance!!!!!  I have do=
>> ne a lot of brakes in a lot of different vehicles but I have never had one =
>> that kicked my butt like this one is doing.  Out side of replacing ALL hard=
>> and soft lines, anyone got any other suggestions before I call it quits an=
>> d just part the #$%@# think out?  Hayden
>> =93There are many men of principle in both parties in America, but there is=
>> no party of principle.=94 =
>> =93I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior=
>> men if they ran for office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not=
>> run."
>> =93I cannot help fearing that men may reach a point where they look on ever=
>> y new theory as a danger, every innovation as a toilsome trouble, every soc=
>> ial advance as a first step toward revolution, and that they may absolutely=
>> refuse to move at all.=94  Alexis de Tocqueville
>> Visit my website at:  http://mysite.verizon.net/resosxp8/mydieselpages/
>> Proud owner of:
>> 2004 Jetta GL PD TDI
>> 1968 Beetle, my latest project, watch for details
>> 1982 VW Jetta Coupe with GTD turbo diesel transplant (in progress)
>> And many, many, many VWs; from a 1947 Beetle (13 Beetles total), to Vans (5=
>> - 3 splitties, 2 bay window (both were campers), 1 Vanagon Westy, Rabbits =
>> (3), Karmen Ghia (1), Jettas (9), Passats (2), Dasher (1), New Beetle (1), =
>> Rabbit Convertible (1) and Rabbit Pickups (3) most now gone but not forgott=
>> en.
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“There are many men of principle in both parties in America, but there is no party of principle.” 

“I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not run."

“I cannot help fearing that men may reach a point where they look on every new theory as a danger, every innovation as a toilsome trouble, every social advance as a first step toward revolution, and that they may absolutely refuse to move at all.”  Alexis de Tocqueville

Visit my website at:  http://mysite.verizon.net/resosxp8/mydieselpages/
Proud owner of:
2004 Jetta GL PD TDI
1968 Beetle, my latest project, watch for details
1982 VW Jetta Coupe with GTD turbo diesel transplant (in progress)
And many, many, many VWs; from a 1947 Beetle (13 Beetles total), to Vans (5 - 3 splitties, 2 bay window (both were campers), 1 Vanagon Westy, Rabbits (3), Karmen Ghia (1), Jettas (9), Passats (2), Dasher (1), New Beetle (1), Rabbit Convertible (1) and Rabbit Pickups (3) most now gone but not forgotten.

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