[Vwdiesel] brake and suspension part advice

raymond greeley rgreeley2 at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 7 20:45:07 PDT 2013

the rear calipers were stuck and dragging, park brake was none functional and of course it is a manual so parked in gear was my park brake. most calipers are fairly reasonable so replacing is better than rebuilding though the rear calipers on the passat and jetta gl's are the same and around 70.0 at autohausz. my mechanic seems think he has a cheaper german source. i think the car has many more years of useful life, especially if i can get it further south and out of the chicago winters, so i am going with the better control arm bushings. thanks to all that responded, i hate to make poor choices on these matters.

To: rgreeley2 at hotmail.com
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] brake and suspension part advice
From: lbaird119 at aol.com
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2013 10:29:44 -0400

Just in case you didn't realize, to compress the rear calipers you have to turn the piston as you push it in.


-----Original Message-----

From: raymond greeley <rgreeley2 at hotmail.com>

To: Vwdiesel at vwfans.com <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>

Sent: Sun, Apr 7, 2013 3:50 am

Subject: [Vwdiesel] brake and suspension part advice

Hello, it has been several years since i have purchased any parts. i now have a 
90 passat glformer was a 91 jetta gl. it has the rear disk brakes. i need to 
change out the rear calipers (stuck) and several front suspension parts: strut 
bearing,control arm bushing, ball joint. auto hausz has always been my go to 
source are they still. also the  control arm bushings has several makes, the 
meyle is more expensive, are they worth the expense. i am likely going to have 
my mechanic change out most of these parts as he is good and reasonable and 
winter is holding on here in chicago. he does have a source of german parts at 
autohausz pricing though i have not seen his cost on these items yet. 
btw: i may have access to a 1.6 engine na, running and driving, i don't know the 
owner.it is being swapped out for a td. it will be later this spring if any 
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