[Vwdiesel] Fish-tail

ralph meyermann ralphmeyermann at gmail.com
Fri Apr 19 07:07:49 PDT 2013

Valve noise?

Velma 82 na diesel westy
On Apr 19, 2013 7:41 AM, "Mark Shepherd" <mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:

> Greetings all.
> Just renewed my exhaust on my QuantumTD waggon. Cleverly, both the waggon
> and the sedan need a 6" extension piece to allow for being 5" longer than
> the fastback.
> I am just going to wedge apiece of old exhaust onto the end of the
> muffler, however I seem to remember being able to change the sound of the
> exhaust in the 1970's and earlier with fish-tails etc.
> Anyone remember the theory of squeezing the end, other than the need for
> back pressure for gassers?
> My old 'Q' with an Audi engine had a pleasent rumble... What makes a
> rumble ?
> Mark
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