[Vwdiesel] Quiet around here

Brian Decker decker at toledotel.com
Sun Dec 22 11:01:53 PST 2013

If it has a manual tranny tow it and it will prime itself and start. I once
was given a 1981 dasher for the body. The man said that the 1.6 N/A was worn
out and the compression too low to start. It had set for 8 years. I put a
couple of gallons of diesel in it and a battery and my friend hooked the tow
strap on. We were a mile or so down the road when it fired fist one then
another and finally all four cylinders. I drove it the rest of the way home.
I put in a fresh engine and my wife did her 90 mile commute for a couple of
years till the running gear and suspension were worn out then I pulled the
engine and put it in another Dasher.
Brian Decker

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank G. Pival [mailto:hold at drizzle.com] 
Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2013 10:09 AM
To: Brian Decker
Cc: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Quiet around here

Hi Brian,
I think  it is quiet  because everyone might be taking the time to get their
diesel rigs in order at least that is my excuse...two very great friends
helped in putting in a clutch and solving many little problems on the 81
Caddy 1.6 n/a this past week  and then turned  right around and did a timing
belt/IP replacement on the 96 TDI B-4 Passat. Having issues on priming that
pump and getting it to start though...any suggestions always appreciated as
I research.
I can only say Merry Christmas to all on this post and I am thankful to the
generous friends much more knowledgeable than I am for their time and help.


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