[Vwdiesel] 1.9l AAZ NA breather and hoses

R. Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Thu Feb 14 17:21:51 PST 2013

My 1Z setup below:

It uses a breather top I think that came off an early TDI (1Y engine? perhaps) and then I 
added a fitting and hose to vent the block to the valve cover breather, which is the black 
hose dropping off the right side of the head and down to the block vent fitting.

On 2/14/2013 5:18 PM, Marciano Pitargue wrote:
> Hi,
> First question ever to this list.
> I put a 1.9l AAZ NA (non-turbo) engine into my 1980 Rabbit Pickup.
> I'm trying to find what the breather system looks like on this engine.
>   Is there supposed to be a block vent that goes up to the valve cover
> to the hockey puck looking like thing?  Can anyone point me to a nice
> diagram on the web on all the parts needed to complete this breather
> system?  Or better yet, anyone have all of this stuff lying around for
> sale?
> Any ptrs appreciated.
> Marciano


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