[Vwdiesel] 1.9l AAZ NA breather and hoses

R. Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Fri Feb 15 08:06:24 PST 2013

Corrected the engine codes below.  To make more secured connections on the round breather 
fitting, I found a brass pipe nipple to pipe thread fitting that would screw into the 
holes on the breather and then I think I glued those fittings in place to seal them up.  
That breather was on the engine when I bought the vehicle, so not sure the exact 
application that it came from.

On 2/14/2013 5:21 PM, R. Brown wrote:
> My 1Y setup below:
>       http://www.4crawler.com/Diesel/Images/vw82_engine.jpg
> It uses a breather top I think that came off an early TDI (1Z engine? perhaps) and then I
> added a fitting and hose to vent the block to the valve cover breather, which is the black
> hose dropping off the right side of the head and down to the block vent fitting.
> On 2/14/2013 5:18 PM, Marciano Pitargue wrote:
>> Hi,
>> First question ever to this list.
>> I put a 1.9l AAZ NA (non-turbo) engine into my 1980 Rabbit Pickup.
>> I'm trying to find what the breather system looks like on this engine.
>>    Is there supposed to be a block vent that goes up to the valve cover
>> to the hockey puck looking like thing?  Can anyone point me to a nice
>> diagram on the web on all the parts needed to complete this breather
>> system?  Or better yet, anyone have all of this stuff lying around for
>> sale?
>> Any ptrs appreciated.
>> Marciano


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