[Vwdiesel] auxiliary spare tire fuel tank

Travis . tgott at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 1 13:53:14 PDT 2013

I don't see the need to install one. Even on a 10 gallon tank you can go around 400 miles. If I can't find a fuel stop at that point then it is my fault. I almost ran into that issue once. I took off from Brookings SD to Sheridan. I didn't fill up in Pierre SD which is the 1/2 way point in SD. I barely made it to Sturgis. I also fill the tank completely full (vented fill) so it actually holds more then 10 gallons. 


Also-I have used my spare tires in vehicles a lot. I have never ran out of fuel. I have used 7 spare tires that I can count. 



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