[Vwdiesel] a/c finale

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Tue Jun 18 21:49:29 PDT 2013

I got the compressor, expansion valve, and receiver drier shoved into place and got it charged this morning.  I'm now riding in conditioned air.  I appreciate the group advice.  

In the end, it was probably just the expansion valve, but I figure the clog had put a lot of strain on the compressor anyways so just as well to get a new one in.  The knocking sounds had been pretty tremendous.  The receiver/drier really could have been put in a better place.  Well-nigh impossible to get to.  I also ended up with an "alternate brand" that wasn't quite big enough to fill out the clamp.  Had to shim it in place to hold it so I didn't twist off the line from the condenser torquing the lines.  

It held vacuum overnight with just a touch of a move on the gauge.  Hopefully it was just the gauges leaking a bit.  They were a borrowed set that seemed a little rough.  All I need it for it to last until September anyhow :)  Not as much a problem once fall hits.  

Only problem now is that I had forgotten how much a load it is on the engine.  Not quite as much fun to drive now, but at least I'm not sweated through when I get where I'm going.  


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