[Vwdiesel] timing belt change & Water/Methanol injection

Travis . tgott at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 19 11:49:52 PDT 2013

When I did my 04 PD timing belt change it took a bit longer as I also did intake cleaning. Any mechanics work is more for younger people depending on the positions you need to get to. One thing that makes a HUGE difference is having a car lift so you aren't bending over, standing up, kneeling, etc. It is amazing how much easier things are with just a lift. I don't have one but my brother does. So-it is the lift that you are paying for or the added up and down movement if there isn't a lift. 


It also really helps to have the harbor freight (hate to use them but there is a few things they have that are nice) engine cross brace holder. That way you can access the engine from the sides/bottom without an engine hoist in the way. 


Did you check/reset your cam torsion value? You can only do this on VCDS. You might feel more power as the timing is greatly affected from the cam timing. Just getting it "close" to the same spot in the slots isn't enough on the newer cars. You check it while running and hot at idle Doesn't take much to be out of spec. You don't even thing you moved the cam in relation to the sproket yet it wildly swings the value around. 




To add what Loren was saying on the turbo. Think of and air compressor. Compressing fluids/gasses creats heat. Expanding gasses/fluids cools. So you take a hot gass with a higher compression out of the engine and then have basically no restrictions after the turbo - the gass expanding/cooling is powering the turbo in what would be wasted heat. That same theory of operation works on the intake side with attempting to cram more air into the intake by cooling it through an intercooler. Same also for air conditioning systems. 



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