[Vwdiesel] Parts compatibility?
Andrew .Libby
libbybapa at gmail.com
Fri Mar 8 09:06:43 PST 2013
In the last 15 years of interacting on the web with other VW dieselers I
have seen many examples(probably 20+) of people who have had their engines
destroyed by not having the timing belt covers in place and having road
debris get into the belt. My favorite was when someone had their engine
taken out by a plastic shopping bag. :-) To a lesser extent I have also
seen quite a few examples of folks having the belt get shredded due to
timing belt tracking issues and the belt walking off the pulley and yet
being unaware because they couldn't see through the cover. My solution has
been to cut out a section of the belt cover and glue in a piece of clear
acrylic in it's place so that I both have the protection of the cover to
keep road debris out of the belt area and simultaneously have the ability
to easily see if there is an issue with the belt or belt tracking.
On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 9:52 AM, ralph meyermann <ralphmeyermann at gmail.com>wrote:
> I really don't mind not having the timing belt cover, mine was missing with
> the injection pump and lines removed. I kinda think it looks better without
> and easier to inspect things too. With some help from my neighbors machine
> shop I can fab up intake and exhaust from the manifolds out.
> Velma 82 na diesel westy
> On Mar 7, 2013 3:23 PM, "Travis ." <tgott at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > The 1.9 timing belt is not the same. The timing belt covers-the 1.6 I was
> > able to make work with an added brace. Motor mounts bolted up. I swapted
> > coolant flanges over as well. Tranny bolts up as well. But I put mine in
> my
> > rabbit car so there might be a few other things. Exhaust needs to be
> > modfied to work-that was the most major item for me as I had to have
> > someone weld and adapter pipe to the down pipe that came with the motor.
> > Travis
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