[Vwdiesel] Putting turbo on a na 1.6?
ralph meyermann
ralphmeyermann at gmail.com
Sat Mar 30 07:37:13 PDT 2013
Anyone have these said parts lying around and willing to part with??
Velma 82 na diesel westy
On Mar 30, 2013 9:25 AM, "Andrew .Libby" <libbybapa at gmail.com> wrote:
> WRT turbo choice on a 1.6TD vanagon, here is some info I previously posted
> on another forum:
> I have always preferred to have more boost in the lower rpms in order to
> help get the big box moving. I don't tend to rev it high and so having the
> boost at lower rpms is important. The other factor to consider with the
> vanagon installation is whether or not the turbo interferes with any of the
> engine mounting components and what work is necessary to eliminate that
> interference. There were basically 5 different turbo-chargers used on the
> 1.6TD and 1.9TD engines and provided the appropriate manifold is used, will
> all bolt up to the cylinder head. They were the T3, K24, K14, T2, and K03.
> The mounting interference issues of the K24, T3 and K14 can be eliminated
> using the Quantum/Vanagon exhaust manifold, but that approach introduces
> other issues with oil drainage and intake plumbing and so is an approach I
> do not favor.
> The T3 and K24 have the same (or very similar) boost characteristics and
> are both just plain too large for the 1.6TD in a vanagon. Boost doesn't
> start until about 3,000-3,500 rpms and you can literally get stuck in 2nd
> gear on moderate grades and even if you rev it to the limit, you cannot
> shift fast enough to be above the boost threshold in 3rd and without any
> boost you cannot accelerate. This effect is most apparent at higher
> altitudes, but those turbos are irritating even at lower altitudes. The
> K24 and T3 also both severely interfere with the driver's side mounting
> bracket.
> The T2 and K03 are the smallest of the 5 turbos and share the same (or
> very similar) boost characteristics as each other. Their boost threshold
> is below idle and so you will see basically instant boost when letting the
> clutch out. Full boost is developed by 2,000 rpms. They don't ever give
> the punch of the larger turbos because they are always developing some
> boost right from idle. They do restrict the exhaust more than the larger
> turbos and so comparatively hurt high-rpm power some. The K03 when used
> with the 1.6TD has a very slight interference with the driver's side engine
> mounting bracket which is very easily eliminated. The k03 does not have
> any interference when used with the 1.9TD. I have not personally used a T2
> in a vanagon, but saw someone else's install on a 1.9TD and it appeared to
> clear the mounting components without issue.
> The last option is the K14. It is middle-of-the-road as far as size is
> concerned. It is a much better turbo than the K24 and T3. It flows as
> well as the larger ones at higher rpms and yet spools at least 1,000 rpms
> sooner. There is some lag, but you definitely feel the boost kick in more
> than with the k03. The K14 flows better at high-rpms than the K03. The
> K14 is a significant interference with the driver's side mounting bracket
> and requires significant modification to the mounting bracket."
> The overall performance of the K14 is my personal preference but the
> installation is definitely more difficult. IMO, the easiest way to
> eliminate the interference with the K14, is to chop the nose off the
> aluminum mounting bracket and then bolt a piece of 3/8" steel to the bottom
> of it with an appropriate bend and hole. Then drop the front of the
> carrier bar 3/4" by adding a spacer, and the engine geometry remains the
> same as it was. The slight interference with with the k03 mounted to the
> 1.6TD can be eliminated by grinding or cutting the mounting bracket
> slightly.
> To sum up, if you are planning on using a wastegated turbo on a 1.6TD in a
> vanagon, DO NOT use a K24 or T3. Use either a K14 if you don't mind a
> little lag and can do the fabrication necessary or use a K03/T2 from an AAZ
> with matching manifold for fastest spool with a little loss of top-end but
> an easy installation.
> On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 7:21 AM, Andrew .Libby <libbybapa at gmail.com>wrote:
>> He sells low-quality aftermarket made-in-China knock-off parts. Many of
>> the items he sells will not work as described and his customer service
>> after a sale is non-existent. He has a terrible reputation in the greater
>> VW community. On a positive note, there are some parts he sells that ARE
>> good deals, there's just an even lower occurrence than at Harbor Freight.
>> Just use good judgement and know that you are taking a risk. IMO, you
>> would be better served by purchasing used OEM parts.
>> Being that you have a vanagon, I would recommend sourcing an AAZ K03 or
>> T2 with matching manifold.
>> On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 7:14 AM, ralph meyermann <
>> ralphmeyermann at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> appears to be prothe, I'm taking it thats its no good?
>>> Velma 82 na diesel westy
>>> On Mar 30, 2013 9:10 AM, "Andrew .Libby" <libbybapa at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> What's the seller's username?
>>>> On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 7:08 AM, ralph meyermann <
>>>> ralphmeyermann at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I'm unsure on what you're trying to explain, its an eBay deal for 480
>>>>> bucks???
>>>>> Velma 82 na diesel westy
>>>>> On Mar 30, 2013 8:21 AM, "Andrew .Libby" <libbybapa at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Please tell me it isn't a 'prothe' kit (hansdiesel, emiata, etc,
>>>>>> etc...).
>>>>>> On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 6:18 AM, ralph meyermann <
>>>>>> ralphmeyermann at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I found a kit having intake and exhaust manifolds, turbo and down
>>>>>>> pipe for
>>>>>>> $480.00. I'll probably need gaskets and plumbing. I can fab up the
>>>>>>> intake
>>>>>>> and exhaust plumbing. Thanks Volks!
>>>>>>> Velma 82 na diesel westy
>>>>>>> On Mar 30, 2013 1:58 AM, <lbaird119 at aol.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Pretty much what James said.
>>>>>>> > I have a Dasher turbo and it was just "bolted on" when I got it,
>>>>>>> so no
>>>>>>> > extra fuel. It was nice
>>>>>>> > but not terribly impressive and unless you turn up your fuel don't
>>>>>>> worry
>>>>>>> > about spending the
>>>>>>> > money on an EGT or oil temp gauges. Mine wouldn't hit 600F on a
>>>>>>> hill,
>>>>>>> > full load on a hot day!
>>>>>>> > Turbo makes it run cooler not hotter. It's the more fuel you then
>>>>>>> add
>>>>>>> > that makes it hot again
>>>>>>> > or hotter. THAT'S when you need the EGT and even then, if you
>>>>>>> don't go to
>>>>>>> > the max, you'll
>>>>>>> > stand a 95% chance of being just fine. Oil temp gauge is nice but
>>>>>>> nearly
>>>>>>> > useless. No oil
>>>>>>> > cooler on the Dasher and the oil temp only went up on hills on
>>>>>>> warm + days
>>>>>>> > AFTER I added
>>>>>>> > cooling jets. With my makeshift cooling jets and a turbo, the oil
>>>>>>> pump is
>>>>>>> > insufficient and you
>>>>>>> > need the 36mm gear pump. It has a NA pump on it that's turned up
>>>>>>> to an
>>>>>>> > absolute max of
>>>>>>> > 1300F pre turbine (takes quite a load and hill to hit it). You
>>>>>>> have to
>>>>>>> > regulate smoke with
>>>>>>> > how much throttle you use according to how much load, boost, etc.
>>>>>>> It gets
>>>>>>> > pretty second
>>>>>>> > nature pretty fast. A boost pressure gauge is nice but really not
>>>>>>> all the
>>>>>>> > usefull other than
>>>>>>> > setting the system up, if it's an aftermarket or scratchbuilt
>>>>>>> setup.
>>>>>>> > Am in the process of putting a turbo on my 1.5 Rabbit.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Bolt it on, turn up the fuel a little and you will be fairly
>>>>>>> happy. Put
>>>>>>> > a 2.5" exhaust and turn
>>>>>>> > the fuel up a little more and it'll be fun. That's when it's time
>>>>>>> to get
>>>>>>> > the pyrometer.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Loren
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> > From: ralph meyermann <ralphmeyermann at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> > To: vwdiesel <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
>>>>>>> > Sent: Fri, Mar 29, 2013 8:08 am
>>>>>>> > Subject: [Vwdiesel] Putting turbo on a na 1.6?
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Hi Folks! I was wondering if there would be any issues putting a
>>>>>>> turbo set
>>>>>>> > p on my na? Just want something more out of what I have to get by
>>>>>>> until
>>>>>>> > he AAZ. Thanks!
>>>>>>> > elma 82 na diesel westy
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