[Vwdiesel] Glow Plug Relay Socket

Andrew .Libby libbybapa at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 21:13:33 PDT 2013

The actual VW glowplug relay socket is available from VW for $16 or so.
 I've bought several new ones for vanagon turbo-diesel conversions.

On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 7:25 PM, Dave Cook <davevw at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Well, I wish you would have snipped out one of the harnesses for me!
> Unfortunately, there are not any good boneyards around here for me to
> visit.  The only one in town is run by assholes, and none of the others in
> nearby towns seem to have ever had any older VWs that I've ever seen in my
> wanderings.
> I did call the one shop in town that works on VWs and asked to see if they
> might have anything.  The guy said that he would look but I haven't heard
> anything back.
> So if anyone happens to be in a salvage yard and could snip out a harness,
> I would surely appreciate it!
> Because I'm building my own harness, and because the TDI plug system is
> triggered by the ECU (after measuring the engine temp), and the ECU sends
> the glow plug light signal as well, it only needs a high-amp relay, the
> socket doesn't necessarily have to support an earlier car's glow plug.
> I've even been to a couple parts places and looked through their catalogs
> and can't find anything.  I can't believe  how ridiculous it is to find a
> high-amperage relay socket that doesn't cost $75!  (That is about the only
> thing I've found so far.  Ugh)  I did just find a couple that look like
> possibilities, but I would like to see the pics to know for sure, and they
> don't the socket pictured.
> Dave Cook
> ________________________________
>  From: Jim Arnott <jr.arnott at gmail.com>
> To: Dave Cook <davevw at yahoo.com>
> Cc: VW Diesel Fans <Vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2013 1:53 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Glow Plug Relay Socket
> Wandering through the boneyard today I found a couple that'll work. You
> can too.
> Late 90s 2.0 gas Passat or Jetta. (don't recall which it was.) There's a
> socket screwed to the firewall just to the right of center, just below the
> top. (It's not buried. Right on the top.) Has a 50 amp strip fuse on it.
> Perfect!!
> Same socket & fuse holder under the dash of an '88 Vanagon for the fan.
> Remove the fuse box and look up. #4 in the link below:
> <http://www.vagcat.com/epc/cat/vw/T2/1989/78/57/892511/>
> 251937501B
> relay plate
> 9 pin /
> On Sep 2, 2013, at 7:16 AM, Dave Cook <davevw at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Does anyone have a glow plug relay socket with pigtail they'd sell?
> >
> > I just need something I can plug the relay with the big lugs into for my
> TDI into bus conversion. The two big sockets should be in the same place on
> just about any, I can move the trigger wire if necessary.
> >
> >
> > Dave Cook
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