[Vwdiesel] Too cold

Justin Bennett lug1970 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 9 08:33:17 PST 2014

Neither of those off or on made much difference.  Then again we are talking eastern MT and AK temps.  Got a sneaking suspicion that the coolant glow plugs are shot.  The water pump died last month so when I have it apart for that and a timing belt I will check those too.  Got to wait until the weather is conducive to outdoor wrenching. 
On Sat, 2/8/14, Andrew .Libby <libbybapa at gmail.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Too cold
 To: "Justin Bennett" <lug1970 at yahoo.com>
 Cc: "vwfans vwdiesel" <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
 Date: Saturday, February 8, 2014, 7:53 PM
 This makes
 me wonder...what percentage of people who find the TDIs run
 too cold are running without the engine cover or the belly
 On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 9:00
 PM, Justin Bennett <lug1970 at yahoo.com>
 have found on my 98 Jetta that if I run the heater at with
 the knob just up from the cold position (knob horizontally,
 pointed to cold) that the engine will come up to temp, and
 put out just enough heat to keep the windshield clear if I
 am driving by myself.  Downside is that you have to dress
 like you are driving an aircooled bug.
  > No, you are not being unreasonable at all.  The
  ALH cars are HORRIBLE
  > for heat - worst thing since air cooled days
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