[Vwdiesel] [VW-TDI] Transporting a TDI engine across the US/Canada border
tadc at europa.com
Fri Jan 31 13:38:11 PST 2014
I don't think you'll have any trouble getting it across the border - I once
went to BC with a friend to pick up a transmission and the customs guy
hardly gave it a 2nd look. I'd expect the engine to be the same.
I don't think emissions or certification will enter into it either. If it
were a car, yes, but this is just "parts", and for all they know it's "for
offroad use only".
FWIW you *don't* actually need a passport for land/sea crossings, although
it's "strongly encouraged". Just proof of identity and citizenship.
Only thing I'm not sure about is duty charges, but if he's meeting you in
the US, that would be his problem. :)
Just dont' do anything stupid like telling the customs guy that there's a
monetary transaction going on! :)
On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 9:29 PM, Dave Cook <davevw at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hey all-
> I think I may have found a donor engine finally to get my bus back on the
> road. However, the thing is in Canada, and I'm in Kansas. The shipping
> quote was around $415, which I found acceptable. However, the seller found
> out that some sort of broker would have to be hired to take care of getting
> it across legally. The cost for that was an additional $375ish. I don't
> remember the exact location, but it is more or less about 45 minutes across
> the border from Detroit.
> So I'm thinking of just driving up and getting it.
> I don't have a current passport, and one or both of my foster kids may
> well be riding along, so the seller is agreeable to meeting me on the US
> side of the border.
> I'm just curious if there are any major issues to anticipate with this?
> Will he be allowed to drive over the border with a TDI engine in the back
> of a pickup or something?
> Dave Cook
> __._,_.___
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