[Vwdiesel] still with the clutch

Ralph Meyermann ralphmeyermann at gmail.com
Wed Mar 19 07:02:32 PDT 2014

Is tranny in gear? May help line up input shaft while wiggling/twisting
tranny in place?

Velma 82 1.9L AAZ TD Westy
On Mar 19, 2014 8:58 AM, "Mark Shepherd" <mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:

> Are you able to reach across to the pulley end and turn a ratchet on the
> crank bolt whilst struggling?
> Is the subframe lowered at all... So much easier on a 'Q' :o)
> Mark
> ========================================
> Message Received: Mar 19 2014, 05:01 AM
> From: "Shalyn Shourds"
> To: "vw fans"
> Cc:
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] still with the clutch
> I worked on the car for hours tonight.  I got the transmission
> more-or-less in place, but it's not close enough to slip over the flywheel
> or bolt up.  It's also tilted about 30
> degrees and I can't get it to turn.  I have the whole works shifted as
> much to the front as I can get it trying to clear the subframe, but it's
> still not working.  Anyone know
> the magic geometry?  As it is, I'm going to have to burn a vacation day
> tomorrow to work on it.  Already had to rent a car two days :(  Driving a
> subcompact Nissan for
> two days will incentivise anyone to fix their VW.
> I'm going to call in my big floor jack, which I loaned out months (years?)
> ago.  Hopefully that'll help a little.  Outside of that.......
> -Shalyn
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