[Vwdiesel] 01 TDI, fleeting ABS light?

Tad tadc at europa.com
Thu Mar 20 15:53:24 PDT 2014

Hi again - so as my TDI is creeping up on 200k with almost nothing but oil
changes for quite a long time, I think it's trying to tell me I've been
neglecting it.

First there was the sticky VNT and limp-mode (which BTW has happened a
couple more times, although interestingly enough, these times there was
still some boost and more power than before... I guess it depends on
exactly where the VNT sticks?).

This morning, I made my monthly stop at the BD pump.  As I was pulling away
from the station, I happened to look down and saw my ABS light, just for a

My first thought was either low brake fluid or low voltage.  I know I've
seen the ABS as the canary in the coal mine when there's a charging problem
and the system voltage starts to drop.  I'm not as sure about brake fluid
though; I thought that would make the brake light come on instead.  No, I
haven't actually checked either yet. :)

Any thoughts?  Maybe just some crud on the sensor(wishful thinking)?
 Should such an intermittent issue store a code?  (Do I have to figure out
how to resurrect my VagCom?)


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