[Vwdiesel] 01 TDI, fleeting ABS light?

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Thu Mar 20 21:03:07 PDT 2014

Just for giggles, pull the line from your vnt, and work it, see if any oil
comes out.  I've had the actuator fill up with oil from oil mist in the
intake stream, so over the years, it started working poorer and poorer,
boost not within specified parameters usually.  I actually tackled the lines
thinking vacuum leak, and found an oil issue not allowing the actuator to
travel fully.  I found it by applying a vacuum to the actuator lines to test
for leaks to see if it would hold a vacuum over time, and the vac pump
filled up with oil when I started to pump.
Slight flash of the abs light could be dirty wheel speed sensor, would the
driving conditions correspond to that? Front wheel bearings good?

-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On
Behalf Of Tad
Sent: March-20-14 4:53 PM
To: vw-tdi; mailing list
Subject: [Vwdiesel] 01 TDI, fleeting ABS light?

Hi again - so as my TDI is creeping up on 200k with almost nothing but oil
changes for quite a long time, I think it's trying to tell me I've been
neglecting it.

First there was the sticky VNT and limp-mode (which BTW has happened a
couple more times, although interestingly enough, these times there was
still some boost and more power than before... I guess it depends on exactly
where the VNT sticks?).

This morning, I made my monthly stop at the BD pump.  As I was pulling away
from the station, I happened to look down and saw my ABS light, just for a

My first thought was either low brake fluid or low voltage.  I know I've
seen the ABS as the canary in the coal mine when there's a charging problem
and the system voltage starts to drop.  I'm not as sure about brake fluid
though; I thought that would make the brake light come on instead.  No, I
haven't actually checked either yet. :)

Any thoughts?  Maybe just some crud on the sensor(wishful thinking)?
 Should such an intermittent issue store a code?  (Do I have to figure out
how to resurrect my VagCom?)

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