[Vwdiesel] need help to id a fuel filter housing

lbaird119 at aol.com lbaird119 at aol.com
Mon May 5 21:46:02 PDT 2014

Does this help?
  I found out that a local store, Pacific Power or something like that, makes battery cable assemblies.  Considering you can get the size cable you want at whatever length you need, the cost is reasonable.  I was able to put a couple size larger cable on our tractor, when I replaced the Pos cable.  Might be able to get yourself a larger cable than most kits will come with (which are probably designed for a gasser).

-----Original Message-----
From: raymond <rgreeley2 at hotmail.com>
To: Vwdiesel at vwfans.com <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Mon, May 5, 2014 9:44 am
Subject: [Vwdiesel] need help to id a fuel filter housing

on a diesel conversion passat. the wix filter in the car is number 33472. wix 
ells me that filter is fora 79-85 vw diesel. autohauz does not have a 
eference, further more within that age range they seem toto offer several 
ifferent filters so i am stuck. i could just buy the wix filter and be done 
ith it though i would like to knowwhat type of filter housing i have in the 
 am trying to add several items to an autohauz online order to get the free 
ther items i would purchase are: return fuel line which i can find, secondly i 
ould purchase the clear fuel supply lineto keep with me. autohauz does not have 
hat clear line as far as i can see. i could be swayed to purchase an extended 
attery cable for a trunk mount (second) battery, though they don't offer cables 
 could see my way to purchasing a second battery switch to avoid discharging 
he entire system, mostly for marine use is where i have seen them, any thoughts 
n this one.
hanks, ray 		 	   		  
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