[Vwdiesel] NA injection pump runs rough when

ken1 ktzkarz at embarqmail.com
Thu Feb 18 09:28:51 PST 2016

First I want to thank all of the board members that replied to my request. I will double-check every one of the suggestions and report back with the results. I will have a couple of weeks to do that, as my friend is having a melanoma removed from his heel and will not be able to get around for a while. So I will check and verify and hopefully get it solved. Thanks again everyone. ken 
----- Original Message -----
From: ken1 <ktzkarz at embarqmail.com>
To: 'diesel' <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 20:54:16 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Vwdiesel] NA injection pump runs rough when

I have a request from a neighbor who has a 1981 1.6L NA diesel caddy. He has a pump that was rebuilt for him about 40k to 50k miles ago. He said his pump has always started, but the idle was rough and low and , he has to give it more pedal to keep it running until it warms up; then the pump and engine runs and responds fine. After the initial cold start, the  engine starts, idles and responds fine. I told him I know nothing about pumps; but perhaps the cold start was not adjusted correctly. What else could cause the cold start problem? Thanks.   

1982 caddy 1.6L NA running
1967 convertible bug running
1980 caddy project 
1991 2 door Jetta TD restoration in progress
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1982 caddy 1.6L NA running
1967 convertible bug running
1980 caddy project 
1991 2 door Jetta TD restoration in progress

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