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Re: Odd Part Needed -- Where?

> I recently found that the cap for my brake-fluid reservoir is cracked and I
> need a new one.  After getting a hastle from the near-by Audi/VW repair shop,
> I've decided to look elsewhere.
> The guy at the shop said there are MANY different sizes, he has some for his
> mechanics, but for me he'd have to order the whole reservoir (I don't think so).
> Any insight?
> Chris
> -- 
>                         ========
>  +---------------------| _   /| |---------------------+ Opinions expressed here 
>  |   Chris Ice, CMfgT  | \`o_O' | Allen-Bradley Co.   | are mine and don't
>  |   cmice@mke.ab.com  |   ( )  | Milwaukee, WI USA   | reflect the views of my
>  +---------------------|    U   |---------------------+ employer.  So there!
>                        |  Ack!  |
> 		        ========

Just a cap ? How about a junk yard ? I've seen tons of them.
