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Re: 1990 Audi 100 advice needed

> From achopde@avid.com Mon Sep 13 14:43:01 1993
> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 93 14:17:09 -0400
> From: achopde@avid.com
> To: mlr@critter.cv.com (Mike LaRosa )
> Subject: Re:  1990 Audi 100 advice needed
> Content-Length: 333
> >I paid 10.- for the clock, and picked up the ski bag and all the hardware for 
> >25.- at ABC in leominster.  Took maybe 6 hours to replace the clock and
> What is ABC? Is it a source for Audi parts?
> >Mike La Rosa
> ----
> Avinash Chopde       (508) 640 3138
> avinash@avid.com     Avid Technology, Inc.     Tewksbury, Massachusetts, USA.
Hello Avinash,

YES,  ABC is kind of a source for AUDI parts,  they are a big junk yard
in Leominster Mass.  They have the only 89-91 100's I could find out of
a few other places(Jack's in billerica, and B&D in shirley).  In 89 AUDI
changed the name of the 5000 to 100 and redesigned the interior.  Therefore
I only have 3 model years to choose from when it comes time to find interior
parts, like that clock.....  so shhhhhhhhh don't tell anyone they have 2
89-91 100's there.....:-)

Mike L.
Computervision Corp.