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Oily Air Filter

I removed the air filter from my '84 Coupe GT (5 cyl, European) yesterday, to
discover that there were substantial oily deposits  in the cleaner element,
the air-flow meter, and the inlet manifold.  None of the pipes that lead into
the air filter box showed any trace of these deposits.  Anyone got any ideas
where it could be coming from?


5 setlinewidth/c{/y exch def/x exch def x y moveto -10 0 rmoveto 20 0 rlineto
-10 20 rmoveto 0 -40 rlineto stroke}def 206 750 moveto 406 750 lineto 406 550
lineto 206 550 lineto closepath stroke 306 410 90 360 0 arc stroke 276 260 c 336
260 c 306 200 60 180 0 arc stroke showpage