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Below is the actual text from the "SUPERCHIPS" advertisement in
_European Car_ magazine, September, 1994, page 112.
Begin quote:
(the above text is >1/4 inch tall, black block letters)
(right here, they are implying that the purchaser is getting a "chip",
just the first of many references to "chips")
"SUPERCHIPS is a well established company which has been developing chips
for for (sic) cars for over 12 years, so there is no one better to buy
a chips (sic) for your car from."
(again, the name "SUPERCHIPS" and two more references to the product as
a "chip", now a total of three references to the product as a "chip")
"We modify part and full throttle parameters and we remove speed limits and
alter rev limits wherever possible for your maximum driving pleasure, and we
don't charge the earth for it either! In fact we are so confident that our
chips are better than anyone elses (sic) that we offer a 7 day trial for you
to compare our product against the others and prove it for yourself!"
(sounds like a good guarantee, however they make yet a fourth reference to
their product as a "chip" and use the words "chips" and "our product" right
in the very same sentence)
"If you don't agree send the chip back for a full refund."
(now a total of five references to the product as a "chip")
"All chips are dyno developed and tuned to meet full EPA specifications for
emissions and some are covered under CARB EO# D-330 for sale in California"
(yet a sixth reference to the product as a "chip")
"Check with us before ordering."
(the advertisement then lists a number of European, Japanese, American and
Ford car applications)
"For more details or a brochure about your car call:-
2290 North Country Rd 427, Longwood, Fl 32750 PHONE (407) 260 0838
FAX (407) 260 9106"
(so, we have *SIX* references to the product as a "chip", plus two references
to the company and the product as "superchips", as well as the words
"chips" and "our product" used in the very same sentence)
There is nothing in this advertisement about modifying CPUs, and/or modifying
discreet components and/or adding/deleting components and/or replacing existing
components with components of different values or characteristics, just a
nebulous statement about modifying "part and full throttle parameters",
whatever that means.
I would be so bold as to say that "Superchips" is claiming in this
advertisement to sell *CHIPS* and *NOT* modified CPUs or other modifications,
but *CHIPS*, IMFO. Caveat Emptor!
Please don't respond to this email address, respond to: glen@mass.smc.com
I'll be back from Interop on Mon, Sept. 19th.