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Re: Hard-wiring of radar dete... -Reply
You can use the same cord that comes with the detector. one is ground
and one is power. Cut off the lighter plug, ground one side to a good
ground, then use one of your empty fuse sections for the power. Put in a
5 amp fuse and it should work. I would leave 3-4" of wire with the plug in
case you ever want to reattach it. You can then remove the molding
above the windshield and run the wire behind it and down the driver side
or for the Cheap way, go buy a $12.95 splitter for your lighter plug. It
plugs in and has two female plugs on it. If your CD and dector draw too
much power and the fuse blows, try a little bigger fuse, sometimes they
have really wimpy fuses just for the lighter.
'89 Quattro