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Re: problem with 85 5000S cooling system
>My car leaks coolant after the engine is shut off. It has done this ever
>since I bought it 2 years ago. I have changed the radiator, the thermostat
>and all hoses. The leak is from the upper radiator hose. However much I tighten
>it it still leaks (mostly after the engine is shut off).
??? It sounds like the only thing not changed or tested is the pressure cap.
Presumably the offending clamp is a worm drive type (spring clamps might get
tired?) Were the mating surfaces (the end of the hose, radiator neck, etc.)
nice, clean, and undamaged?
>The cooling fan
>seems to cycle on and off normally, however I didnt measure the on and off
>temperatures. Could that be my problem, a bad thermoswitch ?
>Also my oxy sensor
>needs to be changed, could that cause over-heating ?
Nah. If the cooling system were over pressurizing, you'd loose coolant at the
pressure cap, right?
>Also, my temp guage is not functioning properly since it never goes above
>the half mark so I cant use it as a temp reference.
Mine never goes past the first mark to the right of the middle, so your gauage
sounds about right.
>BTW it doesnt loose a lot of coolant. About 1/2 quart per week.
Thats certainly enough to be real annoying. Don't forget that the water pump
can be a "hidden" coolant leak.