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Re: final note about porsche discussion

> the RS2 in particular sounds really mouth watering but we will not see it
> here because of those silly concrete wall crash tests which the RS2
> will not pass.

Does anyone know what KKK turbo configuration they're running in the RS2?
I've heard of people putting them in their UrQ's, and they're supposed to
be phenomenal... kicks in at 2600 RPM and apparently has enough top end
to support ~ 315 hp (according to Ned Ritchie).

Turns out that in addition to replacing my exhaust manifold, I'll need to
replace the turbo as well.  I was thinking about retrofitting a Garrett
onto the car (cheap, modern, reliable, and you can get compressor maps
for them!!!) but that new RS2 turbo sure sounds tempting.  Where can I
get one (or find out which combination of KKK components I need to string
together to build my own)?
                                                    Dan Bocek