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Re: Re[3]: 4-cylinder engine

>I have both the 1.8L 4 ('88 VW Fox) and the 2.2L 5 ('87 Quantum Syncro), and I
>wouldn't want the 4 in a car the size of an Audi.  My Quantum (which is
>essentially a 4000Q) is adequately powered with the 115-hp 5, nothing more.  My
>Fox won't get out of its own way.  I agree that the 4 is a great engine, but
>only for a light car.  

    Maybe the US engines develop less power than European models. My 4-cyl 1.8 
    is supposed to develop 110-hp or thereabouts, and my '86 80 feels fairly

    Anyway, if you're happy with the performance of the 4-cylinder, there's 
    certainly nothing to worry about as far as reliability goes. (And you get
    more space in the engine bay as a bonus...)

Alasdair Mackintosh                                 Shape Data, EDS Unigraphics
mackinto@ug.eds.com                                   Parker's House, Regent St
+44 223 371608                                         Cambridge, CB2 1DP, U.K.