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Re: Audi factory visit info

>I am going over to Germany on a business trip and I am going to attempt to 
>visit the Audi factory in Ingolstadt (spelling?). Does anyone in the group 
>have any information on factory tours for Audi and the other German 
>manufacturers (Porsche, BMW, MERCEDES etc)? Any recommendations on Car 
>museums I should see while I'm over there?

Yes.  I took the Mercedes factory tour several times in the late '80s.
There was (at that time) no need for reservations - if too many folks showed
up, you'd just wait an extra 20 minutes for the next tour.  Most of the
folks taking the tour were customers coming to pick up their cars -
something close to half of the German customers do this!  The tour is a mix
between what you are probably looking for and a great big advertisement for
Mercedes cars.  Nevertheless, the ride through the factory in a propane
powered bus is fascinating.  Its also fun to poke around in their gift shop
- do that while you are waiting for your tour to start.  

The mercedes museum in down town Stuttgart is rumored to be fabulous, but
with toddlers in tow I never got there.  The Porsche musuem on the other
side of town is small (a single large room) but interesting.  Its filled
mostly with racing cars.  The Porsche factory tour was booked months in
advance - better plan asap if you want to go.  While Daimler felt like the
huge company that it is, the Porsche facility felt very much like a family
operation!  If you are in the area, another Stuttgart suburb, Vaihingen
(also the HQ for US Forces, Europe) has a beer museum thats pretty
interesting.  The craftsmanship in their older equipment makes a visit
worthwhile -- the folks who made their copper vessels, etc. a hundred years
ago were real masters.  Interestingly, this brewery was one of the earliest
customers for Daimler trucks.  They have a picture of their trucks dating
back to the 1890s!!

There is a fantastic transportation musuem near Heidelberg.  They have cars,
military vehicles, airplanes, virtually anything that moves on the land.
Recommended.  I can get details if you are interested.  Its privately owned.

Sorry, but I don't know anything about the manufacturers outside Baden
Wurtemburg.  Wish I'd made it to Audi myself.  They have a fascinating history.

Jason Douglas
86 5000S